Climate Change Adaptation and Disasters
The Office of Prime Minister, Cook Islands engaged P4SD to complete a capacity assessment and learning needs evaluation to plan future training and capacity building – to address climate change and disaster risk reduction (CC & DRR) in the country.
The project involved use of on-line surveys with other community engagement forums to generate the needs assessment and to establish objectives. These outcomes were then used to canvas available short and longer term technical and tertiary training options within the Pacific and about the Asia-Pacific regions. Database ranking courses and rating options by considering costs of courses, living costs, and entry requirements, among other parameters was generated.
The capacity needs assessment and training options report were the key requirements of the project. As an add-on to the project the P4SD team developed a database of all available CC & DRR training and education options in the Asia Pacific region.
The calibre of the training options were rated against criteria generated through stakeholder inputs and climate experts from about the Asia-Pacific region. This outcome was aligned with the training needs assessment to outline a training and capacity building framework, as well as a monitoring and evaluation system (M&E).
The outputs provide the country with a robust direction for integrated climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction (CCA & DRR) training to assist with their broader platform of capacity building across government and community. The database is available to interested clients and is updated regularly.