P4SD News & Events
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Land Use Planning for Disaster Risk Reduction
P4SD presented at the 6th Session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management, Fiji 2014. This was a key regional meeting of Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) members including Australia, New Zealand, France and the USA. At the forum the members agreed to the regional strategy that ties climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction – a first in the global arena.
Sustainable Land Management – National Action Plan
P4SD were engaged to develop one of the first National Action Programmes that are effectively aligned with the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) 10 year Strategy (2008-2018) aimed at addressing land degradation and sustainable land management.
Resilient Cities in the Pacific
Planning 4 Sustainable Development (P4SD) team members assisted the Samoan Planning and Urban Management Authority to complete one of the first city development strategies in the Pacific. Our work generated the city structure plan based on the outcomes of extensive community engagement and involvement, using the ‘ridge to reef’ landscape planning approach.
Sustainable Land Management in the Maldives
Land is at a premium in the Maldives. Maintaining the health of the coastal waters is critical to maintaining the primary industry of Tourism. P4SD has assisted the Government with its endeavours to pursue sustainable land management through the production of the National Action Programme to address Land Degradation.
Land Rehabilitation & Mine Closure
P4SD provided Sherrin Rentals with legal, policy and on-site technical design and advice to assist with the closure of the mineral sand mine on Johns Road, Cooroibah, Noosa, Queensland. The services commenced with the production of a Site Based Environmental Management Plan, the generation of the Erosion and Sediment Control Management Plan and the Land Rehabilitation Plan.
Climate Change Adaptation and Disasters
The Office of Prime Minister, Cook Islands engaged P4SD to complete a capacity assessment and learning needs evaluation to plan future training and capacity building – to address climate change and disaster risk reduction (CC & DRR) in the country.